Classifying New York City Subway Stations

IBM Applied Data Science Capstone Project

By Ryan Albertson

Every day, roughly five million people ride the New York City subway system, which expands 665 miles across the five boroughs of the city. The system is currently comprised of 473 subway stations. I will be employing data from the Foursquare API to learn more about each of these stations. Specifically, I will pull venue data to understand which types of establishments are prominent around each station. From this information, the traffic of each station can be estimated. For example, a station with primarily university venues nearby will be busier on weekdays and not so much on the weekends. Whereas an area that has many entertainment venues will likely experience a traffic spike during the weekends. This information will be useful for city planners, because the classification of the subway stations will provide a good estimation of human traffic within a radius of each station. I will also use k-means clustering to see if the clusters have any correlation to the venue categories of each station.

Importing libraries

In [1]:
import requests # library to handle requests
import pandas as pd # library for data analsysis
import numpy as np # library to handle data in a vectorized manner
import folium # library for creating maps
import json # reading a json file
from import json_normalize # tranforming json file into a pandas data frame library
import seaborn as sns # library for data visualization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # library for basic plotting
from matplotlib import cm, colors # creating colormaps for map markers
from IPython.display import Image, display # viewing multiple images in one cell
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler # normalizing data
from sklearn.metrics import silhouette_score # choosing the best number of clusters for k-means
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans # calculating k-means clusters
from collections import Counter # count occurances of stations in each cluster

Load dataset containing subway stations and their coordinates

In [2]:
station_coordinates_df = pd.read_csv('NYC Subway Station Coordinates.csv')
Station Name Coordinates
0 Astor Pl 40.7300540002897,-73.9910699986196
1 Canal St 40.718803001077,-74.0001929992732
2 50th St 40.7617279996141,-73.9838489998662
3 Bergen St 40.6808621368295,-73.974999151168
4 Pennsylvania Ave 40.6647144514356,-73.8948859115406

Create a map showing the NYC subway stations and the venue search radius for each one

In [3]:
NYC_subway_map = folium.Map(width=1200, height=675, location=[40.7320, -73.9301], zoom_start=13)

for station, coordinates in zip(station_coordinates_df['Station Name'], station_coordinates_df['Coordinates']):
    latlong = [float(x) for x in coordinates.split(',')]
    label = folium.Popup(str(station))
    # Add a marker for each station.
    # Add the venue search radius around each station.

Use Foursquare API to load in venues

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Define Foursquare API credentials and version

In [4]:
credentials = json.load(open('MY_CREDENTIALS.json'))
CLIENT_ID = credentials['MY_CLIENT_ID']
VERSION = credentials['MY_VERSION']
LIMIT = 50

Make get request to get the main categories of venues along with their category ID

In [5]:
categories_url = '{}&client_secret={}&v={}'.format(CLIENT_ID, 
results = requests.get(categories_url).json()

categories_list = []

def print_categories(categories, level=0, max_level=0):
    """ Print out the main categories """
    if level > max_level: return
    out = ''
    out += '-' * level
    for category in categories:
        print(out + category['name'])
        print_categories(category['categories'], level+1, max_level)
        categories_list.append((category['name'], category['id'])) # Add category ID to list
print_categories(results['response']['categories'], 0, 0)
Arts & Entertainment
College & University
Nightlife Spot
Outdoors & Recreation
Professional & Other Places
Shop & Service
Travel & Transport

Make get request to get the count of nearby venues for each category, within a radius of each station

In [6]:
def get_venues_count(latlong, radius, categoryId):
    venues_url = '{}&client_secret={}&v={}&ll={}&radius={}&categoryId={}'.format(CLIENT_ID, 
    return requests.get(venues_url).json()['response']['totalResults']

Create a new data frame to store the venue categories

In [7]:
station_venues_df = station_coordinates_df.copy()
for category in categories_list:
    station_venues_df[category[0]] = 0

Request the count of venues for each station, then store the results in a CSV file

In [8]:
for idx, row in station_venues_df.iterrows():
    for category in categories_list:        
        station_venues_df.loc[idx, category[0]] = get_venues_count(station_venues_df.Coordinates.iloc[idx],

Read the CSV file into a data frame

In [9]:
station_venues_df = pd.read_csv('station_venues.csv', index_col=0)
Station Name Coordinates Arts & Entertainment College & University Event Food Nightlife Spot Outdoors & Recreation Professional & Other Places Residence Shop & Service Travel & Transport
0 Astor Pl 40.7300540002897,-73.9910699986196 23 44 1 24 13 27 88 5 103 24
1 Canal St 40.718803001077,-74.0001929992732 15 6 0 25 6 24 125 10 156 14
2 50th St 40.7617279996141,-73.9838489998662 44 3 3 24 25 25 107 7 85 31
3 Bergen St 40.6808621368295,-73.974999151168 3 1 0 22 13 13 25 3 45 6
4 Pennsylvania Ave 40.6647144514356,-73.8948859115406 1 1 0 6 0 0 5 0 4 3

Exploratory Analysis and Data Cleanup

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Find which stations have the most venues around them

In [10]:
station_venues_sum_df = station_venues_df.copy()
station_venues_sum_df['Sum'] = station_venues_sum_df.sum(axis=1)
for idx, row in enumerate(station_venues_sum_df.nlargest(20, 'Sum').iterrows()):
    print("{}. {}:\tNumber of Venues =    {}".format(idx+1, row[1][0], row[1][11]).expandtabs(39))
1. 34th St - Penn Station:             Number of Venues =    31
2. W 4th St - Washington Sq (Upper):   Number of Venues =    56
3. Grand Central - 42nd St:            Number of Venues =    68
4. Grand Central - 42nd St:            Number of Venues =    60
5. 28th St:                            Number of Venues =    26
6. Roosevelt Island - Main St:         Number of Venues =    33
7. Wall St:                            Number of Venues =    18
8. Prince St:                          Number of Venues =    18
9. Broadway - Lafayette St:            Number of Venues =    17
10. Broad St:                          Number of Venues =    14
11. Hoyt - Schermerhorn Sts:           Number of Venues =    30
12. Wall St:                           Number of Venues =    16
13. Pelham Bay Park:                   Number of Venues =    17
14. Times Sq - 42nd St:                Number of Venues =    24
15. Fulton St:                         Number of Venues =    18
16. World Trade Center:                Number of Venues =    27
17. 42nd St - Port Authority Bus Term: Number of Venues =    19
18. Lexington Ave - 59th St:           Number of Venues =    41
19. Flushing Ave:                      Number of Venues =    106
20. Park Pl:                           Number of Venues =    25

Create a boxplot and swarmplot to show the count of each venue category

In [11]:
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
sns.boxplot(data=station_venues_df, showfliers=False)

ax = sns.swarmplot(data=station_venues_df, zorder=.5)
ax.set_ylabel('Venue Count', fontsize=15)
ax.set_xlabel('Venue Category', fontsize=15)
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right')
for patch in ax.artists:
    r, g, b, a = patch.get_facecolor()
    patch.set_facecolor((r, g, b, .3))

Drop the Event category from the data frame and the category list, because it has very little data

In [12]:
station_venues_df.drop('Event', 1, inplace=True)
categories_list = [x for x in categories_list if x[0] != 'Event']

Function that sorts the venues of each station (row) in descending order

In [13]:
def return_most_common_venues(row, num_top_venues):
    row_categories = row.iloc[2:]
    row_categories_sorted = row_categories.sort_values(ascending=False)
    return row_categories_sorted.index.values[0:num_top_venues]

Get Top 5 Venue Categories for Each Station

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Create new data frame that has the top 5 categories by count for each station

In [14]:
station_venues_sorted_df = station_coordinates_df.copy()

num_top_venues = 5

indicators = ['st', 'nd', 'rd']

columns = []
for idx in np.arange(num_top_venues):
        columns.append('{}{} Most Common Venue'.format(idx+1, indicators[idx]))
        columns.append('{}th Most Common Venue'.format(idx+1))
for column in columns:
    station_venues_sorted_df[column] = 0
Station Name Coordinates 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue
0 Astor Pl 40.7300540002897,-73.9910699986196 0 0 0 0 0
1 Canal St 40.718803001077,-74.0001929992732 0 0 0 0 0
2 50th St 40.7617279996141,-73.9838489998662 0 0 0 0 0
3 Bergen St 40.6808621368295,-73.974999151168 0 0 0 0 0
4 Pennsylvania Ave 40.6647144514356,-73.8948859115406 0 0 0 0 0
In [15]:
for idx in np.arange(station_venues_df.shape[0]):
    station_venues_sorted_df.iloc[idx, 2:] = return_most_common_venues(station_venues_df.iloc[idx, :], num_top_venues)

Station Name Coordinates 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue
0 Astor Pl 40.7300540002897,-73.9910699986196 Shop & Service Professional & Other Places College & University Outdoors & Recreation Travel & Transport
1 Canal St 40.718803001077,-74.0001929992732 Shop & Service Professional & Other Places Food Outdoors & Recreation Arts & Entertainment
2 50th St 40.7617279996141,-73.9838489998662 Professional & Other Places Shop & Service Arts & Entertainment Travel & Transport Outdoors & Recreation
3 Bergen St 40.6808621368295,-73.974999151168 Shop & Service Professional & Other Places Food Outdoors & Recreation Nightlife Spot
4 Pennsylvania Ave 40.6647144514356,-73.8948859115406 Food Professional & Other Places Shop & Service Travel & Transport College & University

Map the Stations With Respect to Their Venue Category Ranks

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Function that creates a map for the given rank of a venue category count

In [16]:
def create_venue_cat_map(venue_rank_str):

    venue_cat_map = folium.Map(width=1200, height=675,location=[40.7320, -73.9301], zoom_start=11)
    # create color map then assign colors to venue category names
    cmap = cm.get_cmap('hsv')
    color_indices = np.linspace(0, 1, 11)
    rgb_colors = [colors.to_hex(list(rgba)) for rgba in [cmap(idx) for idx in color_indices]]
    color_dict = {k:v for (k,v) in zip(station_venues_df.columns[2:], rgb_colors)}

    for coordinates, venue_cat in zip(station_venues_sorted_df['Coordinates'], station_venues_sorted_df[venue_rank_str]):

        latlong = [float(x) for x in coordinates.split(',')]
        label = folium.Popup(str(venue_cat))

        # Add a marker for each station.
    return venue_cat_map

Loop to create a map for each tier of venue category rank

In [17]:
map_names = ["venue_rank_{}_map".format(x) for x in range(1, 6)]
map_names_dict = {}
for map_name, column in zip(map_names, station_venues_sorted_df.columns[2:]):
    map_names_dict[map_name] = create_venue_cat_map(column)       

Display every created map

In [18]:
legend = Image(filename='venue_cat_legend.JPG', width=800) # Legend made in Excel and saved as JPG

display('1st Most Common Categories')
display('2nd Most Common Categories')
display('3rd Most Common Categories')
display('4th Most Common Categories')
display('5th Most Common Categories')
'1st Most Common Categories'
'2nd Most Common Categories'
'3rd Most Common Categories'
'4th Most Common Categories'
'5th Most Common Categories'

K-Means Clustering

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Scale the data to values between 0 and 1

In [19]:
X = station_venues_df.values[:,2:]
cluster_dataset = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X)
/home/jupyterlab/conda/envs/python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/utils/ DataConversionWarning: Data with input dtype object was converted to float64 by MinMaxScaler.
  warnings.warn(msg, DataConversionWarning)
In [20]:
cluster_df = pd.DataFrame(cluster_dataset)
cluster_df.columns = [category[0] for category in categories_list]
Arts & Entertainment College & University Food Nightlife Spot Outdoors & Recreation Professional & Other Places Residence Shop & Service Travel & Transport
0 0.377049 0.379310 0.428571 0.342105 0.54 0.582781 0.208333 0.522843 0.226415
1 0.245902 0.051724 0.446429 0.157895 0.48 0.827815 0.416667 0.791878 0.132075
2 0.721311 0.025862 0.428571 0.657895 0.50 0.708609 0.291667 0.431472 0.292453
3 0.049180 0.008621 0.392857 0.342105 0.26 0.165563 0.125000 0.228426 0.056604
4 0.016393 0.008621 0.107143 0.000000 0.00 0.033113 0.000000 0.020305 0.028302

Visualize the scaled data

In [21]:
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
sns.boxplot(data=cluster_df, showfliers=False)

ax = sns.swarmplot(data=cluster_df, zorder=.5)
ax.set_ylabel('Venue Count (Relative)', fontsize=15)
ax.set_xlabel('Venue Category', fontsize=15)
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right')
# Make the boxplot fill colors transparent
for patch in ax.artists:
    r, g, b, a = patch.get_facecolor()
    patch.set_facecolor((r, g, b, .3))

Calculate the optimal number of clusters using The Silhouette Method

In [22]:
sil = []
K_sil = range(2,20)
for k in K_sil:
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters = k).fit(cluster_df)
    labels = kmeans.labels_
    sil.append(silhouette_score(cluster_df, labels, metric = 'euclidean'))
In [23]:
plt.plot(K_sil, sil, 'bx-')
plt.ylabel('Silhouette Score')
plt.title('Silhouette Method For Optimal k')

The optimal number of clusters appears to be 6

In [24]:
kclusters = 6

kmeans = KMeans(init='k-means++', n_clusters=kclusters, random_state=0).fit(cluster_df)

# print how many stations are in each cluster
Counter({2: 247, 5: 87, 4: 49, 1: 38, 0: 35, 3: 17})

Add the corresponding cluster to each station in the data frame

In [25]:
    station_venues_sorted_df.drop('Cluster Label', axis=1)
    station_venues_sorted_df.insert(0, 'Cluster Label', kmeans.labels_)
Cluster Label Station Name Coordinates 1st Most Common Venue 2nd Most Common Venue 3rd Most Common Venue 4th Most Common Venue 5th Most Common Venue
0 3 Astor Pl 40.7300540002897,-73.9910699986196 Shop & Service Professional & Other Places College & University Outdoors & Recreation Travel & Transport
1 4 Canal St 40.718803001077,-74.0001929992732 Shop & Service Professional & Other Places Food Outdoors & Recreation Arts & Entertainment
2 3 50th St 40.7617279996141,-73.9838489998662 Professional & Other Places Shop & Service Arts & Entertainment Travel & Transport Outdoors & Recreation
3 5 Bergen St 40.6808621368295,-73.974999151168 Shop & Service Professional & Other Places Food Outdoors & Recreation Nightlife Spot
4 2 Pennsylvania Ave 40.6647144514356,-73.8948859115406 Food Professional & Other Places Shop & Service Travel & Transport College & University

Mapping the Clusters

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In [26]:
cluster_map = folium.Map(width=1200, height=675, location=[40.7320, -73.9301], zoom_start=11)
legend = Image(filename='cluster_map_legend.JPG', width=650) # legend made in Excel and saved as JPG

# set color scheme for the clusters
colors_array = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, kclusters))
rainbow = [colors.rgb2hex(i) for i in colors_array]

for cluster, station, coordinates in zip(station_venues_sorted_df['Cluster Label'],
                                         station_venues_sorted_df['Station Name'],
    label = folium.Popup(str(station) + ' - Cluster ' + str(cluster), parse_html=True)
    latlong = [float(x) for x in coordinates.split(',')]


Cluster Analysis

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Analyze each cluster by showing the count of which venue category is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd most common

In [27]:
# 1st Most Common Venue, 2nd Most Common Venue, 3rd Most Common Venue
required_column_indices = [3, 4, 5]
required_columns = [list(station_venues_sorted_df.columns.values)[idx] for idx in required_column_indices]
In [28]:
cluster_names = ["cluster_{}".format(x) for x in range(6)]
cluster_names_dict = {}

for idx in range(6):
    cluster_names_dict[cluster_names[idx]] = station_venues_sorted_df.loc[station_venues_sorted_df['Cluster Label'] == idx, station_venues_sorted_df.columns[1:12]]
    for column in required_columns:
        print("\t\tCLUSTER {}".format(idx))
        print(cluster_names_dict[cluster_names[idx]][column].value_counts(ascending = False))
        print("-" * 41)
Shop & Service                 13
Professional & Other Places     9
Food                            9
Residence                       2
College & University            1
Outdoors & Recreation           1
Name: 1st Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Food                           12
Shop & Service                  9
Professional & Other Places     7
Residence                       6
Outdoors & Recreation           1
Name: 2nd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Residence                      11
Professional & Other Places     9
Shop & Service                  8
Outdoors & Recreation           5
Food                            1
Nightlife Spot                  1
Name: 3rd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64

Professional & Other Places    24
Shop & Service                 14
Name: 1st Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Shop & Service                 24
Professional & Other Places    14
Name: 2nd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Food                     21
Outdoors & Recreation     9
College & University      6
Residence                 1
Travel & Transport        1
Name: 3rd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64

Shop & Service                 134
Professional & Other Places     53
Food                            39
Travel & Transport              16
Outdoors & Recreation            2
Residence                        2
Arts & Entertainment             1
Name: 1st Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Food                           89
Professional & Other Places    68
Shop & Service                 59
Travel & Transport             21
Outdoors & Recreation           5
Nightlife Spot                  2
Residence                       2
Arts & Entertainment            1
Name: 2nd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Professional & Other Places    77
Food                           59
Travel & Transport             43
Shop & Service                 26
Outdoors & Recreation          19
Residence                      12
Arts & Entertainment            5
College & University            4
Nightlife Spot                  2
Name: 3rd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64

Shop & Service                 10
Professional & Other Places     7
Name: 1st Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Professional & Other Places    10
Shop & Service                  5
Travel & Transport              1
Arts & Entertainment            1
Name: 2nd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Food                     5
Arts & Entertainment     5
Shop & Service           2
Travel & Transport       2
Outdoors & Recreation    2
College & University     1
Name: 3rd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64

Shop & Service                 46
Professional & Other Places     3
Name: 1st Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Professional & Other Places    46
Shop & Service                  3
Name: 2nd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Outdoors & Recreation    19
Food                     16
Travel & Transport       10
Arts & Entertainment      3
College & University      1
Name: 3rd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64

Shop & Service                 56
Professional & Other Places    20
Food                           11
Name: 1st Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Food                           31
Professional & Other Places    30
Shop & Service                 24
Travel & Transport              1
College & University            1
Name: 2nd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64
Food                           39
Professional & Other Places    32
Shop & Service                  6
Travel & Transport              4
Outdoors & Recreation           2
Arts & Entertainment            2
Nightlife Spot                  1
College & University            1
Name: 3rd Most Common Venue, dtype: int64

After relating the categories of venues with each of the subway stations, some meaningful inferences can be made. Specifically with the first most common venue categories, city planners can use this data for whichever projects may relate to human traffic in New York City. By associating the categories with times of congestion, this data can be useful for predictions. Another step can be taken to retrieve the sub-categories of venues and join them to each station accordingly. This would reduce the number of data points for each variable of the data, but in return provide more specific information. The biggest challenge will be to establish the magnitudes of the first most common through fifth most common venue categories. How significant is the first most common, then how much less significant is the second most common, etc.

Moving on to the discussion about the k-means clustering. Using Euclidean distance as the classifier of the k-means algorithm and a k-value of six, three clusters of interest were discovered. Looking at the first and second most common venue categories for all three, each had almost exclusively Shop & Service and Professional & Other venues. Seeing as these three clusters are also centered geographically around Lower Manhattan, they could be a good candidate for further analysis.